“The Four Thoughts That Turn the Mind Toward the Dharma” from “Walking the Path of the Six Paramitas” Talk 1. May 29-30, 2021. Osel Ling, Crestone, CO.
Read More“Os Quatro Pensamentos que Direcionam a Mente para o Dharma” de “Trilhando o Caminho das Seis Paramitas” Palestra 1. 29 a 30 de maio de 2021. Osel Ling, Crestone, CO.
Read MoreOur Middle Way Initiative Donor Campaign runs through December 31, 2023. All donors who have given a total of $108 USD or more during 2023 will be entered in a random drawing for an archival matte paper print of Kongtrul Rinpoche’s oil painting “Light Coming Through.”
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