2023 Donor Campaign: Light Coming Through: Celebrating The Middle Way Initiative!
Letter from Elizabeth
Dear Friends,
I am writing to you with a warm heart of gratitude for your support in 2023. Thank you all so very much for your support in many forms: from financial contributions to volunteering, to listening to my podcast and engaging with my teachings, to your prayers, dharma study and practice.
I’m excited to now kick-off our 2023 Donor Campaign: Light Coming Through: Celebrating The Middle Way Initiative!
2023 has been a great year for my teachings through The Middle Way Initiative, from podcasts to online teachings, with Portuguese translations for our Brazilian audience. My teaching theme this year has been, “The Self: Walking the Middle Way Path”. See below for more about this year’s accomplishments.
Your financial support is instrumental for MWI’s fiscal success and has been very supportive and fruitful in the past. If you are inspired, please show your support by donating below. No amount is ever too small or goes without appreciation!
The 2023 Donor Campaign runs November 1 through December 31. Those who give $108 or more, or have given a cumulative amount of $108 or more in 2023, are eligible for a special drawing for a print of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche’s painting, Light Coming Through.
Light Comes Through - Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
The print is signed by Rinpoche, printed on archival matte paper, and of similar size to the original painting. The image size is 7.5" x 10.0" with an added 2 inch border. To see information about Kongtrul Jigme Namgyel’s original painting, please visit: www.kongtruljigme.com/light-coming-through/.
I am also happy to let you know that Rinpoche will join me for the last Open Question Live Conversation on December 16.
Registration is open >>.
Please join our 2023 fundraising campaign, celebrate our work, and support my continued commitment to share the Middle Way teachings.
“When we trust our creativity we encounter a supreme kind of enjoyment - an amazement at the natural unfolding of life beyond our ordinary way of looking at things.”- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
How to Make a Donation:
The Middle Way Initiative is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization EIN 84-4885510
To make an on-line donation, please use the MWI secure payment portal on the “Giving” page on the MWI website.
For payments by check, please make checks payable to “The Middle Way Initiative” and include your email contact information on your check to receive a receipt.
Mailing Address:
The Middle Way Initiative, Inc.
c/o Edward D. Gompers & Company, AC
2001 Main Street, Suite 401
Celebrating the Middle Way Initiative Accomplishments in Spreading the Dharma in 2023!
View our Open Question Live Conversations >>