The Middle Way Initiative Newsletter: January 2024
The Middle Way Initiative Newsletter: January 2024
Elizabeth and her mother, Naomi Castaline Mattis 1937-2023.
Hello Friends,
Happy New Year! May this new year bring us all peace, joy, abundance and increased altruism in our love and care for others. May light continue to come through for all of us in 2024!
I thought to repost this OQ podcast, Episode 202, Living Wisdom, because in it I tell a story of my mother, Naomi Mattis, who passed away on December 22nd, 2023.
I would like to dedicate any merit from creating this podcast, or listening to or contemplating the topic - lineage - to her. May the blessings of the lineage embrace her beautiful being and carry her forward!
I hope you enjoy - or re-enjoy - the podcast!!!
Episode 202: Living Wisdom: Seagull on a Buoy.
Thank You!
A heart-felt THANK YOU for all your support during 2023 and for our end-of-year Donor Campaign! The random drawing has been held and we are contacting the winner of the beautiful print of “Light Coming Through” by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche.
With deep appreciation,
Elizabeth & the MWI Team
Art of Meditation Global Summit
Free Online event. January 23 - 30, 2024.
Explore The Subtleties and Depths of the Art of Meditation Across Diverse Traditions & Approaches.
An 8-day online event featuring 55+ world-renowned meditation teachers including Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel.
Registration is Free!
DAY 3: Tibetan Buddhist Meditation - Shamatha/Vipashanya
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche delves into the 'Four Immeasurables' and their role in fostering a compassionate mindset, along with the importance of traditional teachings in personal transformation.
Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel explores the practice of analytical meditation and its role in understanding the nature of reality.
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche explores the 'monkey mind' concept, emphasizing the benefits of Shamata and Vipassana meditation for achieving inner peace.
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche merges Eastern wisdom with Western perspectives, focusing on compassion in the journey towards enlightenment.
Tsoknyi Rinpoche discusses the integration of mindfulness, emotional awareness, and body consciousness for spiritual growth.
And more…
The Liberating Practice of Looking and Not Finding
Feb 24-25th. Live Streaming Event. Hosted by Mangala Shri Bhuti Phuntsok Choling.
Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel invites you to engage with her in the liberating practice of looking and not finding. Elizabeth has said, ”If one were to ask: “What did the Buddha teach?” It would be accurate to reply: “The Middle Way.” Middle Way wisdom challenges the unexamined assumptions we have about things, what the Buddha called ‘extreme views.’ She will continue on themes of Madhyamaka reasoning and analysis which are often misunderstood as ‘intellectual’ and hard to apply to our own experience. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The purpose of analysis is to free our minds from confusion – to liberate us.
Regarding the analytical method, Elizabeth has shared, “Looking and not finding challenges us to consider what it would be like to behold our world without clinging to the designations of existence or nonexistence. Existence and nonexistence are dualistic concepts impossible to reconcile. This is why looking directly into the nature of things is so powerful. Can we bear not defaulting to the habit of reification? Can we bear that life will always be free or empty of the “thingness” we assign it? That the map can never fully represent the territory? These are essential Middle Way questions.”
Open Question Live Conversation Recordings: “Cultivating Healthy Interdependence”
Recordings are available for those who registered for OQ Live Conversation with Venerable Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche and Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, "Cultivating Healthy Interdependence."
If you registered for this December 16 event, you have received your access code to view your free recordings (in English & Portuguese simulcast translation).
Episode 132: Everyone’s A Critic
Have you heard of negativity bias? Recognizing threats to our well being is intuitive and alerts a sense of urgency around perceived negativities. However, this same quality can run out of control in a world where social criticism, and doom scrolling keep us locked into negative patterns. Lojong practice transforms that negative urgency into a healthier, positive mindset. Jampal Norbu explores verse 25 of Lojong: “Do not speak of the downfall of others.” Theme music by Matt Quentin.
Other Ways to Support MWI
Check Out Our MWI Store: T-shirts, ball caps, hoodies, and mugs
MWI opened a “Storefront” that enables us to receive a little bit of sustaining income by offering t-shirts, ball caps, hoodies, and mugs with our “Eternal Knot” logo. The storefront hosted by Bonfire helps nonprofits raise funds and has an an option for you to add a larger donation when you purchase a product.