Lineage: Living Wisdom

HIs Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

HIs Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Lineage, in the Buddhist tradition, refers to a line of transmission that has been passed down from teacher to student in an unbroken way, from the time of the Buddha until this present time. Lineage not only refers to a continuum of teachings and practice instructions, but also how the teachings come to life in those who practice them.

An emphasis on lineage ensures that the spirit, integrity, and vibrancy of the Buddha’s wisdom is not watered down or misunderstood. In each step forward, the sincere longing of the student inspires the teacher to open the door to further instructions. In this natural process a relationship of mutual understanding forms, which provides an environment of integrity, clarity, and trust for students traveling the path. 

Essentially, Buddhist lineages have maintained their juice and continuity because an unbroken continuum of inspired practitioners have been driven by a fierce allegiance to their own spiritual awakening. As the Buddha said: “You are your own master.” In other words, although we rely upon the teacher for instructions and transmission, we must take responsibility for our own spiritual development. For me, this is an empowering statement and something for us all to deeply consider as we enter into any lineage of wisdom.

“When a spiritual tradition is released into a new culture, or in the mind of an individual, how do we honor it without abdicating our discernment? How do we bring it to life in us, explore its very essence, and find its relevance in our ever-changing world? These questions fascinate me, and asking them protects my mind from dogma and doubt. To be a lineage practitioner requires an adventurous spirit—the mind of an open question—that continues to explore the essence of teaching and ritual in a way that doesn’t deaden the powerful living aspects of its timeless wisdom. Please join me in this conversation!”
— Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel


For this year’s Living Dharma program, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel explored with us what it means to enter a lineage.

When we enter the lineage of the Buddha’s wisdom we are essentially saying, “yes” to transformation; we join a culture that gives us the infrastructure for living our lives in a way that supports that transformation, we receive the blessings of all those who have come before us - just like a family. And fortunately, there are also challenges.

Elizabeth leads us through this exploration with teachings, interaction, and guided meditations.

The Lineage Project creates programs and materials in support of lineage training and practice. Watch this space for upcoming events.