My Teaching Focus in MWI for 2022 - Sacred World: Through the Eyes of Prajnaparamita
At the beginning of this year, I began asking myself, “What do we mean when we use the term “sacred”? How do we reconcile the notion of “sacred world” with the suffering and anxiety we encounter in our own and others’ lives? How do we understand the relationship of mind and its world?” When I invite my world into this conversation things get lively fast. I want to invite all of you into these questions.
From the Buddhist Mahayana point of view, “sacred world” is the world as seen through the eyes of Prajnaparamita. Prajnaparamita is a Sanskrit word and the literal translation is- transcendent wisdom. That definition gives us a lot to unpack! Prajnaparamita refers to our potential ability to engage the world with wisdom free of confusion.
We could describe Prajnaparamita as what it is like being in healthy relationship with our world - which ties into the experience of grace.
This year my teachings through The Middle Way Initiative will continue in our Open Question Podcast series. We are going to complement the podcasts with a new series of on-line teaching conversations that invite you into our discussion. I have invited respected Buddhist teachers, scholars, translators, and artists to join us in opening up the topic of Sacred World with me in an interview format and we invite your engagement through discussion and questions.
The first episode of the Open Question Podcast opens the theme of sacred world. We will follow this podcast with our first on-line teaching Open Question Conversation on April 23 entitled “Confidence in the Grace of Openness” with Jakob Leschly. We will be sending out registration information for this teaching soon.
I am excited for a year of learning and contemplation focusing on this illuminating theme. Please join me in this inquiry about sacred world and seeing through the eyes of Prajnaparamita!